Vitally important for a young man or woman is, first, to realize the value of education and then to cultivate earnestly, aggressively, ceaselessly, the habit of self-education.
Bertie Charles Forbes | Founder of Forbes Magazine
Why a Foundation?
Founded for the benefit of and to support the Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater Dallas (BOMA Greater Dallas), the Foundation furthers the education, expertise, professionalism, community service, and philanthropic activities of the Association.
This is primarily accomplished by offering numerous educational opportunities each year that include: seminars, webinars, panels, symposiums, conferences, and designation & certification courses to the BOMA Greater Dallas Members.
Each year, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation invests back into the industry by infusing most of its philanthropic funds into scholarships for upcoming, emerging professionals, students, and current Commercial Real Estate professionals. All scholarships awarded are for the advancement of people in the Commercial Real Estate Industry.

Scholarship Opportunities
The Foundation offers scholarships for:
- BOMA International / BOMI Designation Programs.
- Professional Development in BOMA (Attendance at Regional or International Conference).
- College/Technical Programs.
Spring Application Period: 4/1 - 5/15
Fall Application Period: 8/1 - 9/16
Next Application Period Opens: August 1, 2024
Next Application Period Deadline: September 16, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
    (No Late Applications Accepted for Any Reason)
Now is the time to start thinking about being a better you. Consider updating yourself with a BOMI International course today. Better yet, is a RPA, FMA, SMT, SMA, or HP in your future? Learn more at BOMI now.
2024 Scholarship Recipients
The BOMA Greater Dallas Board of Trustees is pleased to announce scholarship winners for 2024:
2024 Spring Scholarship Winners:
- Krisha Aswani, Student with The University of Texas at Dallas.
- Robert Burns, Assistant Chief Engineer with Billingsley Company.
- Macy Minor, Assistant Property Manager with Cawley Partners.
- Andrew Ravenhill, Lead Engineer with Transwestern.
- Randy Tyler, Engineer with Holt Lundsford Commercial.
2024 Fall Scholarship Winners:
- Vanessa Charles, Assistant Property Manager with Cawley Partners.
- Stephanie Vainwright, Property Administrator with Lincoln Property Company.
- Trish Wentz, Assistant Property Manager with Granite Properties, Inc.
Scholarship Eligibility
Scholarships are available to a person who meets one of the below criteria:
- Who are Members in good standing of BOMA Greater Dallas.
- Who are employed in management, operations, engineering or maintenance of a company with a Principal Member of BOMA Greater Dallas. These persons do not have to be Members of BOMA Greater Dallas but must work for a company that has a principal member who is a BOMA Greater Dallas Member.
- Who are seeking a designation through BOMA Greater Dallas (through the Building Owners and Managers Institute, BOMI). These persons do not have to be Members of BOMA Greater Dallas but must work for a company that has a Principal Member who is a BOMA Greater Dallas Member.
- Who are students enrolled in college or a technically oriented program related to the Commercial Real Estate industry. These persons must demonstrate an interest in Commercial Real Estate and must agree to become a Student Member of BOMA Greater Dallas if a scholarship is awarded.